What is the investor number and how do I get it?
How can I get information about my earnings?
I forgot my investor ID, how can I get it?
How can I update my data with MCD?
Why should I provide you with my bank account data?
can a mother open an invester account for her childrens ?
Can I buy and sell shares through MCDC`s phone application?
should the investor`s updated / renew his account annually?
What should I do if I find out that someone is using my account to buy and sell shares?
does the investor`s account closed if he does not buy and sell shares for a long time?
Is there any legal violation in case i bought shares with other people accounts with their consent and without legal agency?
How do I sign up in the Smartphones app?
As an investor representative, can I open an investor account number on his behalf?
What should I do if I do not receive profits?
Is there any fees to modify investor data?
Is there any fees to transfer earnings on my bank account?
How can I receive my profit cheque?
How can I receive my profits if I am not a resident in Oman?
Can I deposit a cheque in my account abroad if I do not have a bank account in Oman?
Can I settle the cheque to cash through the bank?
If the earnings cheque has been expired, how can I know?
Can I add my parents bank account details under my investor account number?
is there any restrictions on selecting a bank account for receiving dividends?
Will my entire earnings be transferred to my bank account?
Can minors apply for an investor account number?
Can I trade through my investor account number?
I am not an Omani citizen, can I open an investor account?
When applying for an investor account number, when will I receive my number?
Is there any fees for opening an investor account?
Does any fees imposed on opening investor account?
Upon applying for investor accounr, when will I receive my investor number?
I am not an Omani citizen, can I open investor number?
What are the procedures for private underwriting?
What is the difference between the shareholder , investor , Nine , trading , market account numbers ?
Is it possible for minors to apply for the investor number?
How do I know the profits that have been distributed, and how I received them?
I Forgot my investor number?
Do I have an investor account?
Will my entire shares dividends be transferred to my bank account?
is there any fees for transfering dividends to my bank account?
Are there any restrictions on determining which bank account to receive dividends?
Can I add bank account details for parents under my investor number?
How can I check the validity of dividends Cheque if expired?
How do I receive dividend cheques if I am not a resident of the Sultanate of Oman?
How do I receive my shares dividend cheque?
Does any fees imposed on request for Cheque service?
What the procedure if I did not receive my share dividend cheque?