FEB 16 2025

Last Data Update

FEB 15 2025

About Company

Muscat Clearing & Depository (SAOC) Company has been established according to the Royal Decree no. 82 / 98 issued in November, 25, 1998 requiring the establishment of Muscat Depository, Securities Registration and define its terms of reference, in terms of actual operations began on February 1, 1999, It is an Omani closed joint – stock company and its issued capital (5 millions OMR), Since MSX owns 89.32% of the company capital, investment as well as brokerage companies and the banks own 10.68%.


To be a world-class post-trade entity providing safe, stable and attractive ecosystem that enhances growth and maximizes benefits for all stakeholders.


We create added value for our clients and the economy, by providing post- trading and innovative products and services, responding to the needs of our clients, led by legal certainty, advanced technology, and a highly skilled workforce.


  • Establishment of a complete data input in the construction of a unified deposit with a high efficiency financial securities.
  • Using global standards used in developed capital markets.
  • Reducing the risks resulting from the completion of Exchange shares to ensure the safety of work and the regularity and the securities dealers" confidence.
  • Develop fair and fast secure internal regulations, instructions and procedures for the development of all services of the company, in order to achieve easy and efficient measures to ensure the rights of all dealers in securities.
  • Contribute to disclosure by working with regulatory agencies and legislation, to provide information and data, with required speed and precision.